If you are looking for an excuse to fall off your fitness wagon, the universe will undoubtedly provide one for you.
Have you relapsed into your old unhealthy habits?
The sad truth is that nearly everyone who started off 2014 with strong fitness goals has by now given up. It’s a fact and this is why the yo-yo effect of dieting and exercising is so very common.
This is the cycle that happens when you fall off the exercise wagon, here’s how to pick yourself back up:
1.) You Fall
Your fall off the wagon could take place in a single moment, or it could be the result of a drawn out process. you may fall out of exercise slowly as a result of health problems, busy schedule or other various life issues that spring up and monopolize your time.
Illness, vacation, holidays, changes at work or any other change in your schedule are all things that’ll get you off the wagon. Once you’re off, the real damage begins.
2.) You Surrender
There comes a point after you fall off the wagon that you simply throw your hands up in the air and five in. it may be a dramatic moment when you decide to eat anything you want, or when you begin to use food for comfort and to ease stress.
Surrender is the most destructive part of the cycle. You remove all expectations from yourself and as a results you plummet into an unhealthy realm. The progress that you’ve made toward your goals is lost and even more weight is gained and you feel horrible inside.
3. You Hit Bottom
Inevitably there comes the moment when you hit bottom. Your body shows the new weight gain and you feel awful about it. This is a sobering moment when you see what you’ve allowed yourself to become, and you don’t like it one bit. Negative, defeated thoughts run through your mind. While hitting bottom is never a fun experience, it is a necessary one. The pain must become great enough for you to turn it around and take the control back.
4. You Take Control
Now comes the good part. When you hit bottom you were out of control, now you’re ready to once again grab the reigns. You’re ready to put yourself back onto your priority list. Set healthy guidelines for you diet and get back into a regular schedule of exercising.
Set specific goals for yourself that are realistic and within a set time frame. Maybe you have a summer trip or wedding you want to look your best for?!
Make it a priority and get yourself back on track to being the best version of YOU!
Summer is coming up fast and soon it’ll be beach and swimsuit weather. Don’t wait for the last minute to get frantically workout and feel overwhelmed. You can easily start up today and Get Back On Track with a few Bodyweight Pilates workouts.
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